Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Summer 2024


At the end of this edition, celebrating years of photographs: "You with your Tibetan Terrier".  Just like this photo to the left. 

I've enjoyed looking back and pulling from a vast reservoir of photos. I can only thank everyone for sharing so much with me. Some taken here and others in many locations. Hope you enjoy my trip down memory lane.

Whether you believe in science or not, it's been a very hot summer. From the Canadian Rockies, to the Balkan peninsula in Europe, or a backyard in Danvers, it has been unseasonably hot, and here unusually wet. Even the grass is green (usually brown at this time) and still the garden flowers thirst for water because it evaporates so quickly. But a little bit of water makes everything colorful.

In quest to capture multi generations in the family, I consigned a photo at last year's specialty. It is four generations of the Cooper clan. Photographer, Bryan Sirotkin, of BS Photography,  worked with me to pull together the four generations shown in this photo. 

Always one to celebrate the unusual...like enjoying that everything comes from somewhere and continues on, I cherish having generations to enjoy in the larger Kiara family. Photographed from left to right is Doris, CH Kiara Promethean Fire At Terpsichorean, Cooper, CH Kiara Ewok Among Us, Ozzie, Kiara Lets Set The World On Fire at Lukilu, and Keys, CH Kiara This Girl Is On Fire. Cooper is Ozzie's great grand-sire. Doris is Cooper's daughter. Keys is Doris's daughter. And Ozzie is Keys' son. Until recently the four were here  to celebrate this lovely photo with me. Thank you Travis Brock, Jane Goodell, and Mike McLoughlin for bearing with me to get this done.

There have been a few dog shows. Ozzie and new on the scene Pretzel, Kiara I'm Good At Being Bad, have walked the walk. There were even a few points awarded. 

But earning the spotlight is Doris. Still enjoying the many activities she does with Jane in the different rings doing the different things they enjoy doing together. Recently in Vermont she earned a leg in Excellent Rally. Way to go Doris and Jane!

Pleased to announce that Doris obtained her first leg in Excellent Rally with a score of 81 at the Green Mountain Dog Club Trial in Tunbridge Vermont. "Slow and steady" is her motto.

As usual, I enjoy receiving notes and emails from everyone letting me know what's new and what's going on. Who's celebrating what or just a photo. It's always enlightening to know what's going on with you and your Tibetan Terriers.



Guess who’s got his AKC canine good citizen tonight!!! 
I guess this means he’s a smart boy!!! 


And Roadie starts a rally class next Monday and agility the end of the month. He is ready to learn all sorts of new skills!






Moby has decided he’s in charge of checking the quilts I make for quality and comfort. He is a working dog…..hahahahaha. 


Hope you are well. Do you have puppies? 





Hi Dennis, 


Hope you’re having an amazing summer! Wanted to send you an update on Jai Alai! She turned 7 years old is April but she would never know. She still has puppy energy, zommies, and tons of doggy friends in the North End. We have met so many amazing people because of her. Just got a fresh cut this morning to look her best at Boston Pride! We love her so much, and she brings so many smiles and laughs to our home. You truly do breed the best! Thank you!




Grace, Bobby, and Jai Alai



Dear Dennis, 


We are loving our pup and as you can see he rules the roost at the apartment in Bedford. At a year and a half, he is healthy and certainly social. 


It is a back and forth to Maine summer for us. I think he will miss all the dog friends here but will love the large fenced in area in Breman. He will make a great therapy dog when he is a little older and you will notice that his hair is short…easier for all of us. 


We hope you and yours are well…and stay in touch when you can. 


Judy and Bob



Girl and her Toy, Dennis! 






Maisie is the most gorgeous, adorable, smart, loving, athletic puppy! She hasn’t been trimmed by the groomer yet…as the weather is still cold --50°-- on the Vineyard. We are anxiously awaiting spring. 


Thank you for breeding such beautiful dogs! 




Debbie and Dick



Hi Dennis, 


Hope you’re well, and out in your garden enjoying this nice day. 


I thought you might enjoy seeing these pictures of Ditto outside at doggy daycare last week. She loves the tires! 


Ditto continues to be a joy. Strong-willed, but at her happiest when out on the street greeting every person she comes in contact with. Such a sweetie! As always, I feel so lucky that she and I came together! 







Hi Dennis, 


Here’s a picture of Toby and Benny hanging out together. 


Toby is a very sweet guy who is generally very social with other dogs but is a little shy with people. We’re working on that though. 


I have a question about neutering. He shows no aggressive tendencies at all but wonder what is best to do. What are your thoughts on that? 




Mary and David 


P. S. When I was at the groomers last week we met two other Tibetans who looked like Toby’s brothers or cousins. Basically black with some white markings in the front.




As I near the end of this journey (almost 40 years is a long time doing anything!) I reflect back on the many pairings successfully made between loving owners and adoring TT companions. I can celebrate these partnerings. I have enjoyed perusing the many photos from the past nearly 40 years to pull together this photo journal. These are only a few of the many many photos. Hope you enjoy these few with me.

Well I'm off to the Cape for some fun filled adventures!

More later...