Kiara News and Reviews

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Summer 2024


At the end of this edition, celebrating years of photographs: "You with your Tibetan Terrier".  Just like this photo to the left. 

I've enjoyed looking back and pulling from a vast reservoir of photos. I can only thank everyone for sharing so much with me. Some taken here and others in many locations. Hope you enjoy my trip down memory lane.

Whether you believe in science or not, it's been a very hot summer. From the Canadian Rockies, to the Balkan peninsula in Europe, or a backyard in Danvers, it has been unseasonably hot, and here unusually wet. Even the grass is green (usually brown at this time) and still the garden flowers thirst for water because it evaporates so quickly. But a little bit of water makes everything colorful.

In quest to capture multi generations in the family, I consigned a photo at last year's specialty. It is four generations of the Cooper clan. Photographer, Bryan Sirotkin, of BS Photography,  worked with me to pull together the four generations shown in this photo. 

Always one to celebrate the enjoying that everything comes from somewhere and continues on, I cherish having generations to enjoy in the larger Kiara family. Photographed from left to right is Doris, CH Kiara Promethean Fire At Terpsichorean, Cooper, CH Kiara Ewok Among Us, Ozzie, Kiara Lets Set The World On Fire at Lukilu, and Keys, CH Kiara This Girl Is On Fire. Cooper is Ozzie's great grand-sire. Doris is Cooper's daughter. Keys is Doris's daughter. And Ozzie is Keys' son. Until recently the four were here  to celebrate this lovely photo with me. Thank you Travis Brock, Jane Goodell, and Mike McLoughlin for bearing with me to get this done.

There have been a few dog shows. Ozzie and new on the scene Pretzel, Kiara I'm Good At Being Bad, have walked the walk. There were even a few points awarded. 

But earning the spotlight is Doris. Still enjoying the many activities she does with Jane in the different rings doing the different things they enjoy doing together. Recently in Vermont she earned a leg in Excellent Rally. Way to go Doris and Jane!

Pleased to announce that Doris obtained her first leg in Excellent Rally with a score of 81 at the Green Mountain Dog Club Trial in Tunbridge Vermont. "Slow and steady" is her motto.

As usual, I enjoy receiving notes and emails from everyone letting me know what's new and what's going on. Who's celebrating what or just a photo. It's always enlightening to know what's going on with you and your Tibetan Terriers.



Guess who’s got his AKC canine good citizen tonight!!! 
I guess this means he’s a smart boy!!! 


And Roadie starts a rally class next Monday and agility the end of the month. He is ready to learn all sorts of new skills!






Moby has decided he’s in charge of checking the quilts I make for quality and comfort. He is a working dog…..hahahahaha. 


Hope you are well. Do you have puppies? 





Hi Dennis, 


Hope you’re having an amazing summer! Wanted to send you an update on Jai Alai! She turned 7 years old is April but she would never know. She still has puppy energy, zommies, and tons of doggy friends in the North End. We have met so many amazing people because of her. Just got a fresh cut this morning to look her best at Boston Pride! We love her so much, and she brings so many smiles and laughs to our home. You truly do breed the best! Thank you!




Grace, Bobby, and Jai Alai



Dear Dennis, 


We are loving our pup and as you can see he rules the roost at the apartment in Bedford. At a year and a half, he is healthy and certainly social. 


It is a back and forth to Maine summer for us. I think he will miss all the dog friends here but will love the large fenced in area in Breman. He will make a great therapy dog when he is a little older and you will notice that his hair is short…easier for all of us. 


We hope you and yours are well…and stay in touch when you can. 


Judy and Bob



Girl and her Toy, Dennis! 






Maisie is the most gorgeous, adorable, smart, loving, athletic puppy! She hasn’t been trimmed by the groomer yet…as the weather is still cold --50°-- on the Vineyard. We are anxiously awaiting spring. 


Thank you for breeding such beautiful dogs! 




Debbie and Dick



Hi Dennis, 


Hope you’re well, and out in your garden enjoying this nice day. 


I thought you might enjoy seeing these pictures of Ditto outside at doggy daycare last week. She loves the tires! 


Ditto continues to be a joy. Strong-willed, but at her happiest when out on the street greeting every person she comes in contact with. Such a sweetie! As always, I feel so lucky that she and I came together! 







Hi Dennis, 


Here’s a picture of Toby and Benny hanging out together. 


Toby is a very sweet guy who is generally very social with other dogs but is a little shy with people. We’re working on that though. 


I have a question about neutering. He shows no aggressive tendencies at all but wonder what is best to do. What are your thoughts on that? 




Mary and David 


P. S. When I was at the groomers last week we met two other Tibetans who looked like Toby’s brothers or cousins. Basically black with some white markings in the front.




As I near the end of this journey (almost 40 years is a long time doing anything!) I reflect back on the many pairings successfully made between loving owners and adoring TT companions. I can celebrate these partnerings. I have enjoyed perusing the many photos from the past nearly 40 years to pull together this photo journal. These are only a few of the many many photos. Hope you enjoy these few with me.

Well I'm off to the Cape for some fun filled adventures!

More later...

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

What A Winter! 2024


JoJo in the snow!

Winter has been nothing like I can ever remember here...mild and wet -- but snowless. Unlike the snowscape to the left where JoJo enjoys a Maritime Province's Canadian winter, here the ground is bare and has been for most of the winter months. Perhaps I speak too soon as the rest of March is still ahead.

But hearing from everyone helps with the winter doldrums. Stories and photos keep me up-dated about the Kiara clan...and I enjoy all of them. Much thanks for taking the time to let me know about the celebrations, milestones, and even just the catch-up hello's.

Hi Dennis, 


We are well. Lots of snow here lately. JoJo loves it. It’s hard for him where it’s deep but he still likes to jump through it! 


I recently got a two year old female cat. You should see JoJo working out his love/hate relationship with this strange beast. Ha! She is cheeky and will chase him if he is snippy with her. But they are pretty good friends. The two of them keep me smiling. 


Best of the season to you!



Hi Dennis, 


We hope you are having a wonderful holiday. Thank you for the card. 


Henry has been with us for two weeks and it’s like he has always been here. He follows AJ everywhere. Ranger is starting to play with him. He loves hiking on the mountain every day. They play on the groomed trails. He is such a good boy! One of the best we have had! 


Here’s to a happy and healthy new year. 


Susan (and family)




Hey Dennis, 


Hope you and your pack are all well. Just wanted to send a quick note that we’ve had a good week or so with Wally (name is settled ha-ha). Had a good wellness visit with the vet and generally settling in nicely. 


Will send another update in a bit. 







We just wanted you to know that Maisie is 4 ½ months old, 13 pounds, a gorgeous and curious Tibetan Terrier with beautiful markings. We are in love! We started working with a trainer and Maisie is a quick learner and eager to please. Hope all is well with you. 




Debbie and Dick




I’m sure you already know this but you breed the best dogs ever. We can’t imagine our lives without Zema. She is fun, friendly, curious and energetic, and everyone who meets her just loves her. She’s weighing in at 15 pounds and will be five months old this week. Thank you for entrusting us with one of your pups. 


Sue and Rich


Hi Dennis,


I hope you and all your TTs are well. This is Lucy who turned 14 today. She’s doing great. Minor heart and kidney issues but still as energetics as ever. 











You have helped make memories for my family since Riley came home with us in early December 2010. We adore him and are struggling with the likelihood we will say goodbye to him sometime soon. He’s struggling in a variety of ways and it’s our challenge to care for him as appropriate but let him go when the time feels right. 

The first picture is in our house with his mom. The little boys in the second picture are graduating from college and high school and barely remember life without him. 


He has been a pleasure and will cherish our remaining time. 





Dear Dennis, 


Hope you are well. Here is the whale of a puppy on his four month birthday. (Sitting on one of my quilts!). The little piglet is just shy of 18 pounds. Learning every day, he is very smart. A total joy. Please tell Miss Monroe thank you!!! 






Good morning Dennis, 


The official name has morphed into his regular name: Felix. 


I had intended to send out a Christmas card called “Feliz Navidad” with many photos of Felix but in the end that fell by the wayside. 


However, I wanted you to know that Felix has become the joy of our lives. Just the most wonderful dog. And, now that we can run on Singing Beach, he is busy winning the hearts of dogs and dogs owners alike. He’s beautiful but it’s his spirit that so enchants and charms. Enthusiastic, optimistic, fun-loving, gentle with the smaller dogs, ready to get rough and tumble with the bigger dogs. Loving but also independent. And I am winning the battle with the matted fur – at least for now. So he remains unclipped. Right now he is looking at me with that determined stare – to remind me the beach awaits us. 


I can’t speak more highly of you. Of course we love him and have done our best with him to train him. And he isn’t perfect. BUT…He was a great puppy when he arrived. And it has really been his excellent job of training us to enhance his greater glory that has made the difference. And when we get it right he rewards us with great connection, love, affection, charm, tenderness, joy and devotion. When we let him down, (the war of the matted fur usually ends with me having persistent one matt too long) he simply disappears under the sofa he found within minutes of first arriving here last April. No anger, no acting-out, just a strategic retreat.


Thank you so much, 





Today is our beautiful little girl’s fifth birthday! Happy birthday, Yofie Moo! You fill our house with love and joy every day! 


(Yofie Moo recently got to meet a real life cow…her spirit animal!) 





Hey Dennis, 


We’re celebrating Kooper’s 13th birthday today. It’s been a blessing to our family to have this little man around for so many years. Other than some hearing loss, he wakes up raring to join whatever is planned for the day…whether it’s a long walks, meet and greets with his friends or just hanging out on one of the couches he’s claimed as his own. We will forever be grateful to you Dennis for bringing this wonderful companion into our lives. 


Jeff and Cheryl

I try to be as helpful as I can. There are always questions, no matter how often you live through puppyhood. And unfortunately there is never one right answer. Every vet has his own protocol.  Even I am at the whims my mine. A rule of thumb for me is not to give more than one shot at a time...whatever your vet says. Some little ones are hard to entice to eat their dinners, but occasionally you get one who wants more. It's always hard not to fill their their dishes up...but too much can also lead to digestive issues.  



Hi Dennis, 


I hope you are doing well with the winter weather. I love seeing your TT pack frolic in the snow. They just love it! 


I have a quick question about shots (you would think after all these years I would have it figured out but I am thinking of switching vets and they seem to do things a little different.) Henry had his fourth round of shots yesterday and they wanted me to give him his rabies shot as well. I know your vets form says six months. I said I would wait and they sort of gave me a hard time. I then went online and it said 12 to 14 weeks. I feel like I have always waited and that’s what your vet note states. I am inclined to go with your direction. Please let me know your thoughts. Much appreciated. 




Hi Dennis, 


Hope you are well. I just wanted to give you a little update on Moby. As I am sure you keep track of your puppies since they are little pieces of your heart. 


In the past three weeks he has been having terrible bouts with diarrhea. We have been back-and-forth to the vet and he has been on Flagyl. This weekend it started again and the vet has put him on a Gastro puppy formula until further notice (or forever). 


I’m sure he will be better soon 


All of his puppy teeth are gone and he has a beautiful perfect little boy smile now. 


Sending hugs and licks, 







A follow-up and update on Moby. He is much better now on the new food. 


Here he is in his favorite place to hang out! I’m a sofa looking out the window. He is such a cutie. 


And here he is with his Abuela, Pippi she is 13.



*       *       *       *       *

 With sadness I share the news about 

Elaine's Moxie,

Laura's Lark,

Melissa's Pippa,

(and since he wrote about him) 

Richard and his family's Riley

 who all  found their ways over 

the Rainbow Bridge. 

I am always grateful to know 

how they were loved...

right to the time 

you have to say goodbye. 

Elaine wrote me about Moxie's passing. And sent me photos to add to my Moxie album. 



14 years, 5 months and 21 days --and it still wasn’t enough time. Despite her years, her death was sudden and has left a void that at times feels endless. It hurts every day without her here. The house is quieter and emptier without her. From day one, when she came everywhere with me…my ride or die companion. She was always up for a walk or a road trip. There is not a brewery or patio in Massachusetts, Maine or New Hampshire that she hasn’t demanded a belly rub from a stranger. While she always wanted to be near me, she never wanted to cuddle. I just assumed she was independent. But when Ryan came into our lives, she immediately sidled right up next to him on the couch. She loved snuggling with Ryan. She slept next to him in our bed and demanded he give her head scratches and belly rubs first thing every morning. I believe when she met Ryan, she knew he was the missing piece. A yin to my yang and the person that would make her pack complete. She was the most intelligent, observant and intuitive dog I have ever met. Sweet, gentle and in tune with our every emotion. Even after she lost her hearing she never slowed down. She just adapted watching our hands and body movements and coming up with her new ways to let us know what she wanted. All heart, she loved her people. And she had a lot of people. When she danced around shaking her whole body and you heard her excited squeaks, you knew you were special to her. Smart, sassy and empathetic. She radiating joy from her little body making everyone’s life a little brighter. She was fiercely protective of her family always needing the perfect perch to diligently watch over the neighborhood for rival dogs or a rogue out of place trash bag. She made us a family and there wasn’t anything we wouldn’t have done for her. She was my first dog, our first dog together, and we loved her immensely.


Pippa, Pickles, Pips, Pickies, we thought we’d have more time with you. Not a day goes by that we don’t think of you. Our hearts are forever imprinted with your memory. You brought us so much joy. We love you and miss you every day. 



*       *       *       *       *

More later...