I want to thank everyone for the cards, notes, and photos received during the Holiday Season. Those pictures will certainly make it into next year’s annual Holiday YouTube display. If you didn’t catch this year’s, scroll into the previous News & Reviews and click on the video icon.
Not much has occurred in the last two months. Few winter shows here have exciting venues – as I prefer the out door events. But Naldo, Kiara Hollywood Bad Boy, has been presented at a few. He has earned a few points –including a major! We will wait for nicer weather to get out more often.

Also received a couple notes with photos I want to share.

Hi Dennis - just wanted to say hello and to wish you a happy new year. Gretzky is doing perfect. He is truly an amazing, beautiful puppy. We get so many compliments on him looks and behavior… such a wonderful addition to our home. Hope all is well and we've already started talking about maybe getting him a brother :) - we'll see. Keep me posted on any upcoming litters you expect for fall 2012.
Barri and Marc Morris

My name is Alexandra Sahora and my best friend, Mouffie (photo attached) was one of your puppies almost 16 years ago. I wanted to let you know of his passing on Saturday. I can't express the thanks I have to you for uniting me with my best friend. He motivated me to do many things including devoting my life to dogs and cats as a veterinary oncologist. I will miss Mouffie aka Smelly Bean Dog aka Poochini aka Moufmiester aka Moo Moo Magoo terribly and have not yet figured out how to live without him. Thank you again for being a part of our lives. Mouffie can never be replaced and will never be forgotten.
May he rest in peace.
Thank you again-
Alexandra Sahora, DVM
They leave us with so many wonderful memories. And not one can ever be replaced.
And lastly a Valentine.
Happy Valentine's Day!

from: Panda Stephan
That's all for now!
More later.
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