Springtime 2009
Photos and Tales of TTs are always welcome.

Mike sends a photo of his Sugar, Miss Photogenic TT. Can you tell where her nose has been?
Once more there are little beauties to view. Maureen Dwyer sent this outstanding photo of her new Tag x Molly litter. After the first litter, a second one repeated could not be resisted! A rainbow of TT coloration!
And in Minnesota: Asland sent some of his genes to produce these lovelies. Mimi and Cheryl (the breeder moms) are really happy with this litter.
Just wanted to drop you a note and let you know that Oliver is doing great. He has adjusted very well to being here - no separation anxiety. He's enjoying getting to know his neighborhood and has figured out how to climb our staircase and jump on the couch. The kids are loving him. He's sleeping well and eating well. We've really had no issues so far. He went to the vet on Tuesday and all looks good.
Robin and Steven
Hi All!
Well, Jack made it big here in Palm Coast.
The dog trainer used him in her advertisement this month in this area's business circular.
She sent me a copy of the proof.
He was the "class pet."

And finally, Mr. Lukie (CH Kiara Fallen Angel) isn't happy just with his beauty accolades and proud fatherhood; he’s heading to American Doggie Idol: He loves to sing (or sing along with) in this case Fleetwood’s “You Can Go Your Own Way”.
His all-time fav and debut song, surprising his human pals, Jim & Dave, is Abba’s “Dancing Queen”. And his latest attempt –watch out Diana—is the Supreme’s “Stop In The Name Of Love”.
More later.

Once more there are little beauties to view. Maureen Dwyer sent this outstanding photo of her new Tag x Molly litter. After the first litter, a second one repeated could not be resisted! A rainbow of TT coloration!

And in Minnesota: Asland sent some of his genes to produce these lovelies. Mimi and Cheryl (the breeder moms) are really happy with this litter.

The small “at-home” litter of two went off to their homes. Mally and Oliver have both made great transitions into their new families, bringing the wonderful companion temperaments Kiara has become known for.
Hi Dennis--

Robin and Steven

We have the absolute sweetest puppy in the whole world. She is both loving and spirited/playful and has completely attached herself to Lindsay. She slept the whole way home after crying for about 15 minutes. She is really adjusting well to her new environment. Some crying at night but I guess that is to be expected. It has been quite a busy week but I wanted to send you the pictures attached. I will touch base with you soon. How is Oliver fairing without his sister?
And sometimes news comes from those TTs placed years ago. Good stories are good stories, and sometimes are the best stories. Seeing photos of Pepper and Om from litters long ago, well adjusted in their loving families is comforting.
Hi Dennis,
We purchased our Tibetan from you six years ago. I was just enjoying perusing your web site and I wasn't sure how to post you a note so I'm emailing some photos instead.
Pepper (Kiara These Foolish Things) was born on June 22, 2002. Her sire was CH Kiara Ain't Misbehavin' and her Dam was Kiara Call Me Madam.
I spoke with you briefly last year at the Bay Colony Show. Anyway I just want to tell you what a joy she is. She has the sweetest disposition and is quiet and loving. Everyone who meets her falls in love. My children (now 18 and 10) keep begging me for another one but I'm not sure Pepper wants to share my attention. She is my constant companion!
Thanks for breeding such a great dog!
Dayle Ballentine
Hi Dennis,
Here are two pictures of Om in the snow with her holiday bow! The other is our two girls with Om's favorite teddy (Om is on the left.)
Have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year...
Bob, Lisa. Tenzing, Lily, and Om
Even though Tenzing and Lily were not born here at Kiara, their dad, Snoopy, was. And because Bob & Lisa loved “the look” and “the temperament” and “the soundness” of their two oldsters, they came to the source for their newest addition, Om. No, she’s not a puppy, turning 5 this year herself.
We miss you Paul & Kathleen! They have moved south to Florida. The lovely litter out of their Willow was here while they moved. Jack, their newest pup, out of Willow and Yogi joined them early winter. He missed the winter snows but gets to romp on the sunny beaches. Altogether, sounds pretty good to me.
Hi Again,
Jack had his first walk on the beach the other day. One photo shows the beach path near our house. Jack mostly loved the ocean breeze. Hope this warms up you New Englanders!
Later Kathleen e-mailed her doggie friends about Jack's latest. He's entered show biz -- at least launching a modeling career.

We have the absolute sweetest puppy in the whole world. She is both loving and spirited/playful and has completely attached herself to Lindsay. She slept the whole way home after crying for about 15 minutes. She is really adjusting well to her new environment. Some crying at night but I guess that is to be expected. It has been quite a busy week but I wanted to send you the pictures attached. I will touch base with you soon. How is Oliver fairing without his sister?
And sometimes news comes from those TTs placed years ago. Good stories are good stories, and sometimes are the best stories. Seeing photos of Pepper and Om from litters long ago, well adjusted in their loving families is comforting.
Hi Dennis,

Pepper (Kiara These Foolish Things) was born on June 22, 2002. Her sire was CH Kiara Ain't Misbehavin' and her Dam was Kiara Call Me Madam.
I spoke with you briefly last year at the Bay Colony Show. Anyway I just want to tell you what a joy she is. She has the sweetest disposition and is quiet and loving. Everyone who meets her falls in love. My children (now 18 and 10) keep begging me for another one but I'm not sure Pepper wants to share my attention. She is my constant companion!
Thanks for breeding such a great dog!
Dayle Ballentine
Hi Dennis,

Have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year...
Bob, Lisa. Tenzing, Lily, and Om
Even though Tenzing and Lily were not born here at Kiara, their dad, Snoopy, was. And because Bob & Lisa loved “the look” and “the temperament” and “the soundness” of their two oldsters, they came to the source for their newest addition, Om. No, she’s not a puppy, turning 5 this year herself.
We miss you Paul & Kathleen! They have moved south to Florida. The lovely litter out of their Willow was here while they moved. Jack, their newest pup, out of Willow and Yogi joined them early winter. He missed the winter snows but gets to romp on the sunny beaches. Altogether, sounds pretty good to me.
Hi Again,
Jack had his first walk on the beach the other day. One photo shows the beach path near our house. Jack mostly loved the ocean breeze. Hope this warms up you New Englanders!
Later Kathleen e-mailed her doggie friends about Jack's latest. He's entered show biz -- at least launching a modeling career.
Well, Jack made it big here in Palm Coast.
The dog trainer used him in her advertisement this month in this area's business circular.
She sent me a copy of the proof.
He was the "class pet."
Way to go Jack!
And when no pups were coming here and a good TT owner contacted me for a special little person, I knew Faith Lowell had just what she was looking for. I’m glad I could bring them together.
Hi Dennis:
I thought you might be interested in seeing the pup we got from Faith Lowell in VT on Saturday. We call her Bailey and she is just a cutie and quite active! She has bonded with our 8 month old male Lhasa Apso, Coach. They sleep together in their crate and it has certainly helped keep the whining down at night.
Thanks again for the referral and hope all is well with you.
Hi Dennis:

Thanks again for the referral and hope all is well with you.
Springtime has arrived at Kiara. That usually means a few shows are in store. Although she was not shown at the Regional Specialty in New Jersey, little Gabby showed herself off around the rings. Proud dad, Tag, and mom, Jilly, can’t wait to add her to their lists of accomplishments. It was Gabby’s first time at a show site and nothing seemed to phase her. So, get ready for Gabby.
Santa visited Ken, Sunny, and Hope in Maine. Ken sent this photo along. He was very happy that Santa brought Sunny a grooming table. I think Sunny may have been happy with a bucket of biscuits. But if it helps out . . .
Congratulations to the Dinenes. Their Asland/Dream boy is now new AKC Champion Kiara Most Happy Fella. Happy makes Asland’s list of creditable get even longer.

And finally, Mr. Lukie (CH Kiara Fallen Angel) isn't happy just with his beauty accolades and proud fatherhood; he’s heading to American Doggie Idol: He loves to sing (or sing along with) in this case Fleetwood’s “You Can Go Your Own Way”.
His all-time fav and debut song, surprising his human pals, Jim & Dave, is Abba’s “Dancing Queen”. And his latest attempt –watch out Diana—is the Supreme’s “Stop In The Name Of Love”.
More later.
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