It's amazing how time really does fly by! I do my share of procrastinating, but I generally succumb to achieving certain keeping this blog updated. Well, better late than never...
In many ways this passed year has been anything but calm and uneventful. But with so much negativity behind us, hopefully a glimmer of a brighter future is before us.
Since things have opened-up (and that may be tentative) life has resumed outside the little world at 47 Forest Street here in Danvers. I've been to dog shows--without masking! And after more than a year, puppies have graced the yard. And with the help of local gardening centers, I have flowered-up the new area I cleared last summer/fall with much effort. So I have been a way of an excuse.
The veggie patch was packed full with lettuce, spinach, tomato, broccoli, eggplant, bush bean, kale, and zucchini plants. I have been enjoying home grown salad since May. Waiting still on a ripe tomato, but every other plant has fed me well!
I wished for puppies all last year...but all came to not.
It was a bleak, endless, isolated summer/fall/winter...and much worse without little ones to care for.
But this Spring the cycle was broken and little Ryder, Milo, Leo, Tashi, and sis Gabriella helped me smile everyday.
They all have wonderful loving homes to go to...and that too makes me happy.
And there have been dog shows to attend! The first ones...a few in dark building with few people standing yards apart as you could enter the facility just before your ring time and leave immediately after. But Spring brought us outdoors; still had to mask at first, but exhibitors were able to say hello and enjoy the experience a bit more.
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New Champion Kiara This Girl Is On Fire |
The Mid-Atlantic Regional Specialty was fun. Keys, Miss Monroe, and BB (Baby Bolt) traveled with me and my friend Jeff to Delaware. Overall it was a winning event! 4 days of dog shows and 5 majors earned by the team. Keys cleaned up winning 3 of the majors offered out of 4 and BB took 2 majors out of 4. Miss Monroe went Best Opposite Sex in both puppy Sweepstakes! No one could have wished for more...and it's never anything I expect when I go to such an event.
The following month, Keys finished her AKC championship during the Bay Colony Tibetan Terrier Club Specialty weekend. She finished with four majors!When we came home, we stopped to celebrate at my friend Carol's. In her exuberant way, Keys, my little tom-boy, celebrated by rolling in the newly laid mulch. Oh well...she cleans up well!
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New Champion Kiara L Lucy's Lucelina |
Another winning girl, Tsarina, got her last few single points. All her first points earned before the pandemic.
It's Sir Cooper's 10th Birthday Celebration Day. Today we honor Ch Kiara Ewok Among Us CGC, BN, RAE, THDE, and BTTE (Best Tibetan Terrier Ever). We went to Penwood State Park, sat and looked around, took a bit of a walk, had a picnic lunch with watermelon, a Sir Cooper favorite. Did all the things he likes.
Bodie is almost 9! and still a good looking dude!
Hi Dennis,
We’ve been keeping up with you through your blog post – – hope your left hand healed without too much trouble and we are curious to know how your garden veggies turned out!
A little over four years ago, I lives are changed in the most incredibly wonderful way imaginable – – Chaplin came home with us!
I can’t remember if I updated you but a few years ago, we moved from Manhattan to Spain and the dogs have loved the change.
Chaplin is eternally happy and spreads his muddy paws and cheer is to all that meet him. He’s occasionally bossy but his sister Zelda keeps him honest.
Here are a few photos of our recent adventures.
Thank you for providing such a wonderful addition to our lives.
Happy Independence Day and all the best!
Angela, Eric, Zelda, and Chaplin
Hi Dennis,
Today is Kooper’s 10th birthday although he acts like a two-year-old most of the time. He has brought us joy and happiness throughout those years but especially the last year of lockdowns and isolation. His major accomplishment has been to mold us into the perfect owners that cater to his every whim and peculiarity. He is directly responsible for 6 TTs in our area (two from you) due to people he meets falling in love with him.
Forever thanks for this wonderful Animal.
Jeff & Cheryl
Hi Dennis,
Hoping all is well with you. Today is Dudley 2nd birthday and we wanted to thank you for bringing him into our life. Once this awful pandemic is behind us, we would love to get him a little sister.
Take care and stay safe.
Celebrating Toby’s birthday – – she is the sweetheart of the neighborhood, and goes out with her pack three times a week for exciting adventures on the trails. Pictures of Toby with Kate and Evan. We love our girl.
Thinking of you – – hope all is good.
Charley & Cam
Hey Dennis,
A happy fourth birthday to our girl Jai Alai! You teach us every day what it is to live in the moment!
We always say to her that you were the first person she ever saw!!!
Thank you so much for sharing her with us!
Bobby & Gracie
Happy birthday Obi!! May the 4th be with you!!
He is truly the best dog! Everyone that meets him LOVES him!!
And I also appreciate being included when the time comes to say goodbye. Each of these older TTs was once a wee one in the palm of my hand as I gingerly rubbed them to deep clear breaths of life. Something I never forget. Helping you see them to the Rainbow Bridge when that time comes is appreciated as well. I hope I offer some needed consoling words. Goodbye to some loving furry companions who gave so much.
Hi Dennis,
We wanted to let you know we put Duncan down yesterday. We are absolutely heartbroken. He was such a wonderful dog. He was a vital part of our lives for 15 ½ years! He was smart, bossy, affectionate and an incredible companion.
How do you say goodbye to a dog that you have loved for so long? I have no idea.
Thank you for not only Duncan but also for Cooper. We will never forget either of them.
John & Bob
I wanted to let you know that our dear, sweet Tristan has come to the end of his journey. He’s a strong boy, but the cancer has made him very weak, and the vet is coming to our house on Tuesday to put him to sleep. We are heartbroken. My life won’t be the same without him. Thank you for the gift of our sweet boy. We were meant to have him in our lives. He gave us a lot of joy.
Dear Dennis,
The time has sadly come. We are taking FΓ©lix to the rainbow Bridge tomorrow evening. He decided it was time…so we will let him go.
He was deeply loved.
Karissa & NIsha
Jean and Jill also called about saying goodbyes to their loving companions Daisy and Doc. The hole left in their hearts will take time to heal. But as time passes, remembering many happy moments shared will replace the pain of those partings.