Spring has sprung here in eastern Massachusetts.
Finally! And we have seen lots of rain, rain, rain. Far from April showers bring May flowers...there is an abundance of GREEN.
It has been a hopeful thing when a bit of color springs forth in the green vegetation.
Most recently, it was fun seeing everyone at the TTCA's National Specialty celebrated here in Boxborough Massachusetts. It was a week-long of activities.
The Jamboree kicked off the week-long events. It was well attended. And the weather cooperated.
The Invitational Evening of Champions once again was a highlight. Seeing the cream of winners from the previous year is always a well anticipated, exciting exhibition. They are all winners!
And here they are entering the ring for an exciting evening!
I did not get to exhibit at the Specialty. (My planned TT to take, Bolt, was the one who ate the rock, who had the abdominal surgery, who got his belly shaved down, who was not in coated condition yet.) I did enjoy being a spectator. In fact, because I was there as a spectator, I got put to work helping Judges Education.

The other bookend of this week-long event was the Bay Colony Tibetan Terrier's annual Specialty held in conjunction with Ladies Dog Club show.

I'm always impressed with hearing how the little ones fit into the loving homes they find themselves enjoying. I am so grateful to all of you who make them an important part of your families. Thank you. And thank you for sharing...
Hey Dennis,
Kooper was eight years old yesterday and every day we are grateful having him in our lives. Since he comes to work with me he has met and interacted with hundreds of people and is responsible for a mini explosion of Tibetans in our area including two from Kiara. Jeff
Hi Dennis,
Wanted to send you greetings from THE Best dog ever. Murphy has such a chill and slightly lazy disposition. He loves his crate, treats, and playing with other dogs. The kids are in love and so are we! Thanks again! We haven’t gotten him neutered yet. Hope all is well in your home and with your babies.
Caroline and Declan
See how much he’s grown, Dennis. He is such a wonderful addition to our family. Thank you so much.
Hi Dennis,
I hope you’re well and enjoying the first signs of spring. Babo is now six months old. She is the sharpest, funniest, and sweetest dog we could imagine –a very special puppy. We’re so grateful for the spirit she brings into our home. I thought you might enjoy seeing her “true colors” coming through in the photos attached. The first just a few days after we brought her home in October, the second is several weeks ago, and the third picture is after her first haircut very recently. I couldn’t believe it when I came to pick her up from the groomers –no longer a black puppy at all!
Happy spring,
The newspaper thing is genius. She has peed every single time exactly where she was suppose to!!!
The newspaper thing is genius. She has peed every single time exactly where she was suppose to!!!
Cheers from the north Maine woods. Elska Wynn has blended in like she has always been here part of our family. Theo’s mellow temperament has not been shaken by Elska’s antics. An old lady now, Theo mostly sleeps in her chair by the fire. I am using the crate for mealtime. What a good eater! She needs it for all the running, hopping and sliding she does. She was not impressed by the snow yesterday morning. I agreed wholeheartedly: enough. I have been putting her in the baby slang I wore Oscar in years ago. She fall fast asleep. Everyone loves her. Thank you again for making another Tibetan Terrier possible for us.
Django has settled in and everybody’s getting
along great. He’s a real smart pup too. I gave him a very small piece of spruce (soft and no toxins/allergens) when I caught him trying to chew some exotic wood in my shop.
Django has settled in and everybody’s getting
along great. He’s a real smart pup too. I gave him a very small piece of spruce (soft and no toxins/allergens) when I caught him trying to chew some exotic wood in my shop.
Thank you again, we’re over the moon.
Just a quick update with a few recent photos. Arlo is adapting marvelously each each day brings new experiences and adventures! He loves walks in the woods, sniffing around the backyard, riding in the car, and telling his toys what for. And he sleeps very well at night! He had his first puppy play class this morning and he was not shy at all –jumping right into the fray and having a good romp with the other pups.
With good wishes,
Hi Dennis!
I thought you might like to know how much we are completely in love with Winston. He is frolicking in the snow, attending a few days at daycare for socializing, and I am in the process of trying to get him trained to be a therapy dog. He's been coming to the elementary school with me and the kids love him!
What a gift he has been to our family. Thank you so much for bringing him to us.We love him!
The Hazards
Novice titles in Standard Agility and Novice Tricks at the National Tibetan Terrier 2019 Specialty. We had a wonderful time. Thanks to everyone who made it possible.
Deborah Kelly Griffiths
A parting shot...as we all look forward to summer. Yofie Moo wants to know when the pool opens for the season.
More later....
More later....