New Year!
"The Modern-Day Fairy Tale: The Myth of Reach and
By: Kathy Lorentzen
theme of her piece captured my attention immediately:
“In the past, when breed type was more important than
exaggeration, flash and showmanship, there was more understanding and
acceptance of the varying trotting styles than there is today.”
favorite and insightful quote from her article:
the quest to win, fanciers have in many cases changed the basic proportion and
structure of their dogs away from the useful norm toward strange exaggerations
with unbalanced angles and bone lengths that produce incorrect side gaits. The
long reach and high lift and kick may be eye-catching, but it is incorrect and
hits the nail on the head. It certainly spotlights how fanciers can change a
breed into something it wasn’t meant to be…other than a show dog. Bulldogs,
Scotties, and many other breeds have gone through these fancier-adjustments.
And not necessarily to the benefit of the health or form of any breed. For
centuries TTs remained unchanged. Human hands utilizing the “selection” process
in breeding can make disastrous/”pretty” adjustments. Soon, the relatively
moderate, mid-size mountain dog becomes something else. Check out our breed
rings today. A Tibetan Terrier is a mountain dog. It is sure-footed to endure that terrain.
Structured to move on the ledges, crags, and uneven surfaces found in a mountainous
geography; not a coursing dog like an Afghan Hound meant to race across the
plains. It is so wrong.
stead of perfecting what is meant to be, breeders have created something new
meant to catch the eye…like that “lift and kick” seen so much in the show
rings…and, I may add in FaceBook photos being posted acclaiming such
exaggerated movement as exemplary for the breed.
for this article is:
It is
worth the read.
Now on
the lighter side.
cudos to Mike McLoughlin and Sadie! Sadie is now new Grand Champion CH Kiara
Harlem Song. Mike gaited the beautiful Sadie around show rings this past year
earning her grand championship points. Nice job! The pair make a beautiful, happy,
celebratory photo.
In another kind of ring:
is having so much fun at agility. Here he is with his best friend Thumper
and Thumper’s mom. Cooper is a little dirty. They just finished an
hour of agility and 20 minutes of rough housing in the horse barn.
help but smile.
new year! The snow photos from the Boston area are crazy! Glad to have escaped
the northeast, I'm a snow wimp.
and Nisha
I just
emailed you at your website. This is Lilah with you and Lilah yesterday on her
15th birthday. She's amazing!!! We thank you regularly for her!!!
you for your Christmas greeting.
was mostly dedicated to the nurturing of Kailash. He's a very social,
little (well, not really....eating is his favorite thing to do) guy and is a
popular attraction wherever he goes.
you good days in '15
Steer says hi!
is amazing. He is adjusting so well-- still eating, sleeping, eliminating,
playing like crazy. Last night was much better than we imagined it would be. I
took him out around 1, then Ezra took him again at 5. We were very happy with
that since he peed both times! Only one small accident in the house all day
today. He is such a sweet and handsome boy. We hope your party was fun!
are home! Beau was great in the car-he slept a lot then he whimpered and
we stopped at a rest stop and he had to go! Good Beau!! He loves
that baby food! We are reviewing the articles you gave us- great
information- thx! Hope you have a wonderful holiday- I'll send the paper
back to you tomorrow.
for taking so long to send an update on our wonderful pup Tinley. She is
a real joy and has brought us much love and happiness. She has grown a
lot and is turning out to be a beautiful dog. I have included some
photos, they were taken in the beginning of October. We would love to
have her come by for a visit some time.
the website. Thanks for including us! Thought you would enjoy a picture of
Buddy and Bella together.
hard to believe it has only been less than 3 weeks since we brought Snowy home.
It seems like we've always had him! He's doing very well. I really can't
even believe how smart he is-- smart enough that my brother in law has declared
"this dog needs a job!" He started playing fetch the other day
and it seems to be his favorite game. He is beginning to walk on a leash. He
did a lot if railing against it, but a combination of prodding, coaxing, lavish
praising, and treats (bits of cheese) are getting him to take to it. Once
he gets going he loves to walk, and it amazes us how easily he keeps up with us
and really hangs in there! He loves everyone-- he is so social. And I have
managed to introduce him to a few neighborhood dogs, which he loves. He
has learned to both sit and come when called. Not bad for an 11 week old!
We start puppy kindergarten on January 17. We are looking forward to it!
Here is
a pic of him...Snowy in the Snow. It's hard to see where he ends and the
landscape begins. Happy New Year! We hope you and your puppies are
all well.
Hale Family
Ezra, Hattie and Kenny
Look at Ozzie and his gorilla from when he first left and the handsome boy today. We're all stuck inside, Ozzie, because of this snow storm!
He and the beautiful KDee made these beauties.

The TTs are enjoying it...except for the Siberian like winds whipping across from the park. Come on Spring!
Or this...
More later...