Photos and Tales of TTs are always welcome.
Summer finally came to the northeast. But there’s not a whole lot to report. Without pictures or stories the “News & Reviews” and I got a pass.
The one interesting event (as all litters born are events) was the repeat breeding of Goodness with Brewster. The first breeding that produced Thunder, Lightning, and Rain was conducted over 3 years ago. This was more of an event because Brewster sadly has passed over the rainbow bridge – but his semen was frozen while he was still with us. So Miss Goodness gave birth to 4 little guys. This is the first time I have used the frozen samples of the stored semen. I have supplied it to others – all success stories – so it was a real learning experience.
Now the pups are all gone; placed in their new loving homes, everyone reports a good transition. This little guy has two new friends to keep him busy.

Hi Dennis,
Just a quick note to let you know that Lilly is doing great and we are
having a wonderful time with her. So far sleeping in the crate is our
least successful venture as she hates being left alone and it's hard
to hear her howl and cry. We are working toward it slowly. We also
think that she is half cat as she loves to be held and cuddled. She is
having a great time running in the yard. Lilly and our other dog Luna
are getting along as well. As you can see, Lilly and Luna have become
quite attached to each other. She is doing great and we are really enjoying
her. Thanks so much again. We are totally in love with this pup. We love having her!
And we'll keep you posted.
Hi Dennis,
Picture of him resting with my stepfather last night. He is adjusting surprising well and all ready walking a mile and eating food with joy.
He is really a gem - slept through night easily in crate but awoke and wanted to go. It is such fun. He was leash walking today in the backyard with ease and pride.
Hello Dennis,
It is already three weeks ago that we picked up our puppy. He is doing very well.
He has learned a lot:
. he knows where he is at home
. he knows who belongs to his family
. sleeps from 10 pm until 6.30 am without going potty and whining
. knows his name
. has an idea of the instructions like sit an come here
. he is eating well too
Still there is a but: he is doing his business in the house. We praise him a lot when he is doing it outside, choosing a special praise “good potty”.
We started to give him a tiny treat when he used the garden instead of the house. We think he is aware that it is a good think to “go” outside. Is it possible that he is still in the stage, that he can’t control it, while he is active. Because his bed is clean during the night. We would be very happy, if you can share your experience with us.

Around the summer and fall show scene you could find a few Kiara family members showing their stuff. Sue Meluzin and little Gabby have been out and about. Mike McLoughlin has been showing both Miss Sugar and Miss Rosie. Pat and Richard Sutton have been exhibiting their young TTs as well. Both JJ and Katie have been steppin’ out and struttin’ their stuff. And even I have had Lightning out at the dog shows.

The good news is that they all earned points. And even better – Lightning, JJ, and Katie have completed their AKC championships.

We want to wish everyone a wonderful holiday. Many thanks to all who sent in stories -- and especially pictures as they helped put together this year's holiday movie. Please visit our 2009 Holiday YouTube movie.