With the holidays here, the Kiara crew and I want to wish everyone the happiest, most joyous season ever.
The Dream and Asland brood of little golden babies – now going on four months -- has brought joy, smiles, and a little hard-puppy-detail to their new companions. The following notes and pictures, and yes, even You Tube videos tell the whole story.
Good morning Dennis,
Update on the little one.
Java has settled in from the first day, and more or less taken over the house! She loves to sit on Mommy's lap (or anyone else's she can find!), has been eating like she is starving to death, chews everything and is learning to walk, or run, on a leash.
First day she learned how to climb steps, second day how to jump on the couch, third day how to open her crate! She screamed for 3 hours her first night in the crate that is actually in the bedroom with me. Needless to say I didn't get any sleep, but she learned I was not giving in to her pathetic crying and screaming and so the next night it was only 1/2 hour and the next night for about 2 minutes! I'm so glad I persisted.
Her house-training is another story. I am a bit frazzled, probably have to be a bit more casual about it and let it happen.
So, all in all, in spite of her jumping into my plate of Pecan Pie, I am happy to have her as a part of my life, and she is a happy little contented baby. I think I'll keep her!!!!!
and see her making her video debut in “Java and the Carrot”
just click on the link below
Java and the Carrot
I wanted to let you know that we've all fallen in love with this little puppy. She's been with us 24/7 since we brought her home - spending her days in my lap while I'm studying or with Glen in wood chips in the barn. She is especially excited when the kids come home from school (they're her favorites). She loves our landscape, and we are taking her for one long walk (exploring the boulders, blueberry bushes, and stream/swamps) everyday.
I wanted you to know that we've given her a name: Sonrisa Antigua which is Spanish for "Ancient Smile" My son wants to append the name with Filia-Deorum (Latin for daughter of the gods). We're calling her Risa .
Thank you for your role in bringing this love bug into our lives,
Just wanted to drop you a quick not and a few pictures. Jackson is doing well and as you can see is already "at home."
Hope all is well with you and your Mother.
Hi Dennis –
Well, you were right. The first 2 days were a bit choppy with the housetraining thing, but things have smoothed out quickly and Annie seems to be very quick on the uptake. Over the weekend she didn’t eat much, slept a lot and followed me around like my shadow. She had no clue what to do out in the grass. We put our orange oxy cleaner to good use several times. She went right into her crate in the evening (of course she had been subjected to the entire length of the 2 Red Sox games while sitting on my lap). She stopped whining as soon as the lights went off and then only whimpered a bit every few hours. I stuck my hand in the crate and she quieted immediately. Monday morning after peeing and pooping in her crate after I left for work, David re-read the part about housetraining in the TT book. She now goes out every hour or so and after eating, sleeping, playing. She knows what to do on the grass and has gotten very good about getting right down to business when she goes outside. It just took a bit of adjustment to each other’s schedules. She’s an absolute delight. I was a bit concerned that she wouldn’t be very active when you said she was one of the calmer ones in the litter. Well, let me tell you, she likes to play. She stands in front of me and bounces and jumps up and down, she runs around and is just a riot to watch. She likes her toys (she has plenty!) and is chewing appropriately on her toys, not furniture or shoes, etc. We both just love her and I think she’s a wonderful addition to our family
Thanks for your part in raising such a delightful little dog. We’ll keep you posted with pictures and updates.
All the best.

Baudelaire has adopted us and made himself at home very quickly. He was quiet and
0no trouble at all on the way home. Catie held him all the way. When we got home he
came to life when he met Catie’s daughter, Meghan, and finally had someone to play
with. He was leaping and jumping around and barking at her in response to her barks
at him.
Last night he only woke up once during the night and I held him and he went back
to sleep and slept through the night. This morning Catie and I had to leave for work
so we left him with Meghan and they went back to bed together and slept for three
hours on her bed. She even took him outside when they woke up and he peed next
to the paper for her.
He is eating well and chewing on his toys and on a rawhide stick. He is funny and
amusing and entertaining all the time. Of course he has his little accidents every
once in a while but that will pass in time. We love him and appreciate him every much.
Thanks for bringing him to us.
Paul & Catie & Meghan

And Java wasn’t the only one making a video! Little Sugar (formerly “Peaches”) makes her debut as well in “Sadie and Peaches”. Click on the link below. Yes, that Sugar above playing on the grass. She’s Mike and Marie’s newest little one. Thanks for making a great new home for her too.

Sadie and Peaches
Other milestones have come about as well. Cheryl sends great news from the mid-west. Blaze (a CH Kiara Flame of Rue Che’Re son) earned his first major. Way to go Blaze!

It’s a great time of year to thank one and all who make super homes for their little Kiara companions. Their moms, dads, and I are so appreciative.
And even at home there is news to share. Miss Thing – now Champion Kiara Miss Thing -- joins her cousin Champion Kiara Rolling Thunder in the list of titled clan members. Thunder is pictured below.

Again, Merry Christmas and the Happiest New Year to one and all.

More later.